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Thursday, June 1st, 2017

KGNU, SVP’s new 2017 Catapult Investee

Since our inception, SVP has supported community nonprofits with a variety of capacity strengthening programs. Through our Catapult programming, skilled Partners volunteer pro-bono business consulting, which SVP supports with cash grants to recognize the work that consulting requires from nonprofits.

For five months each year, members of SVP’s Investee Selection Committee (ISC) vet applicant nonprofits to craft well-considered recommendations for new Catapult engagements. The full partnership then votes to approve or reject the committee’s recommendations at an annual Spring Partner Meeting. For the first time in 2017, the ISC’s charge was narrowed to specifically focus on new investments. (A separate Investee Renewal Committee will begin work in August in preparation for full Partnership voting on current Investee renewals at the November Fall Partner Meeting.)

Beginning with in-person information sessions and letters of inquiry, then full proposals and organizational capacity and leadership assessments, Committee members work to identify obstacles and opportunities for SVP impact. Culminating with in-person site visits, the committee’s diligent work identifies the investment best suited to SVP’s model and existing resources. This year’s Investee Selection Committee members included co-chairs Christy Bergman and Erik Bernstein, working alongside Partners Tom Briggs, Patricia Burgess, Bob Cutler, Kay Clagett, Michael Donovan, Roland Evans, Molly Ganley, Jeanette Marquess, Shawna Peterson, Kelly Rasmussen, and Tim Watson.

Following a presentation of finalist nonprofits, Partners discussed and approved (by a large majority) the ISC’s new investment recommendation for 2017, KGNU Community Radio. As a Catapult Investee, KGNU will receive extensive consulting support and a cash grant of $12,500. SVP Partners Tim Rohrer and Michael Donovan have volunteered to serve as Co-Lead Partners for the relationship. After an orientation to SVP, the team will work together to craft a strategy map and work plan of specific SVP consulting projects.

In recognition of their application efforts, finalists Boulder County AIDS Project and Community Cycles will receive $500 (to be matched by a Partner’s family foundation), an 8-pack of Boards with Brains sessions, and a six-month executive coach through Execs Evolve.

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