Monday, January 16th, 2017
We’re excited to welcome new Partner Tony George back to Boulder, and back to the SVP fold. Learn more about Tony through the below questions:
What led you to SVP? Its actually been a long process! Initially I found SVP randomly during a web search. I thought the model sounded interesting, and vowed to come back to it when I had more time. After more than a year of an SVP newsletter sitting in my inbox – staring at me to take action – my wife and I decided to give it a closer look. This was all in Los Angeles. We became partners in LA in 2014. I like the idea of getting deeply involved with multiple nonprofits, all at a higher level than typical volunteering opportunities present. Being part of a larger network where you can build friends and relationships is also appealing.
What do you most look forward to/hope to accomplish as a Partner? I look forward to imparting some of my strengths to help nonprofits, whatever they may be. I believe that doing good for the community should be a core value, so as much as I can do to fulfill that mission would be ok with me.
What do you want other Partners to know about you? We are new to Boulder (but went to CU 20 years ago) and are eager to jump in and help. I have a pretty broad variety of experiences under my belt, so please don’t be shy about reaching out if you need brainpower or elbow grease to get your initiative over the line. More personally – my quick story is that I grew up in Connecticut, went to undergraduate here at CU, and then moved to Los Angeles where I worked in entertainment, government, and for marketing agencies. I got an MBA from Loyola Marymount in my late 30’s. My wife and I, along with our 2-year-old daughter just moved back to Boulder for a ‘quality of life’ change, and we’re loving it. Like most Boulderites, I enjoy outdoor activities, but also love food, photography, playing guitar, and spending time with friends and family.
What do you most value in your friends? Just the ability to be myself without judgement.
What is your motto? Don’t sweat the small stuff – and it’s ALL small stuff.
What is your most marked characteristic? My endless sarcasm and dry sense of humor.
When and where were you happiest? After I’ve accomplished something that I’ve worked hard and trained for, like climbing a mountain or running a long race.