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Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Meet Partner Kristin Imo

Kristin first became acquainted with SVP while working with The Nonprofit Cultivation Center, a program of Foothills United Way.  “As another nonprofit capacity building organization, it was a great experience to work collaboratively with SVP to access nonprofit needs in our community and see where opportunities to partner aligned,” reflects Kristin.  In 2015, her current employer, Integrated Work, paid for her and colleague, Sue Brundege, to be SVP Partners.

“I appreciate the ways that I’m involved with SVP that complement my professional experience,” says Kristin.  She recently assisted with the launch of SVP’s Invested ED’s peer learning team to connect alumni and current SVP Investees to one another to build community, relationships, and to share experiences and best practices that will support their work as leaders in the community. She is also the Chair of the Evaluation Task Force, reviewing SVP’s evaluation metrics.

2016Feb - Kristin Imo SVP Partner, p2 Kristin’s favorite part of being a Partner is “the way that you become close to the community through Partners and Investees that are working to make Boulder an even better place to call home.” She also appreciates the thoughtful approach that SVP takes in connecting partners to projects that align with their skills and interests.  “These elements are highly unique to me because they respect where nonprofits and Partners would like to grow, and how they’d like to harness their strengths for that growth,” says Kristin.

When Kristin was young she volunteered with her mom at hospital’s fundraisers and galas.  “I enjoyed being with my mom at these events, and playing a role in helping things to run smoothly”, she recalls.  Kristin brings her love of organizing, facilitating and helping to others to her work with SVP.

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