Thursday, November 2nd, 2023
It is our sincere pleasure to introduce our community to Jenny Desmond, an SVP Partner who joined SVP Boulder County earlier this year.
With a background in nonprofit fundraising and development, Jenny Desmond brings a unique perspective and experience to SVP Boulder County. While working at Intercambio Uniting Communities, Jenny was mentored by an SVP Partner to support her role as the Development Director. “From 2010-2022, I worked in nonprofits in Boulder County in several capacities, most of those years at Intercambio Uniting Communities. SVP was a valuable resource as Intercambio grew and changed, providing professional resources when our budget was limited. Personally, I really benefited from having an SVP mentor, Carolyn Powell, when I became a Development Director. It was so good to have an outside perspective as I navigated my new leadership role and designed new fundraising initiatives. Carolyn and I are still friends!” said Jenny.
After leaving the nonprofit sector to focus on growing her business, Vive Más Tours, Jenny joined SVP as a Partner member in January 2023. Jenny shares, “I’ve always been one to root for the underdog, and being a part of SVP gives me a way to help nonprofits professionalize and adapt to our changing world without the burden of being on several boards.”
Jumping into SVP’s Development Strategies Resource Team, Jenny has spent this year supporting smaller organizations on fundraising strategies. “It has been a great way to use my expertise in fundraising to help others who are new to the profession. What’s special is that these are organizations with such small budgets that they couldn’t bring in a consultant for one-on-one coaching, but we at SVP can help them grow their expertise and find the resources they need.” Jenny adds, “Hiring development staff can be so difficult. There are very few qualified or experienced applicants who are already here or can afford to relocate to Boulder County. I hope to help create community-wide resources to keep successful fundraising staff from burning out, as well as to prepare the next wave of development professionals in Boulder County.”
While learning more about other SVP committees and programs, Jenny is excited by the work of SVP’s Impact Cohort sharing, “I’m inspired by what the Impact Cohort is doing with the Field Catalyst Model. After working with immigrants in our community for so many years, many of my immigrant friends have been struggling for years with how to manage their childcare needs, housing, and food security. These have such an impact on the ability to work and use their earnings to get ahead in a system that is set against them. SVP’s willingness to innovate and lead the charge in these areas is enormous, and I can’t wait to see the impact of the transformation that is unfolding.”
These days you will find Jenny enthusiastically sharing her love of Cuba and Colombia. Jenny and her husband Steve co-founded Vive Más Tours, providing cultural experiences in Cuba and Colombia to help US-Americans grow in cross-cultural understanding. Jenny and Vive Más Tours are giving back to the local community by creating fundraising trips for nonprofits. SVP Boulder County is excited to partner with Vive Más Tours for a tour of Cuba in November 2024 with proceeds supporting SVP.
Jenny is a native of Colorado and was raised on a farm in Mead. In her free time, she enjoys hiking Chautauqua and having breakfast with friends at Chautauqua’s Dining Hall. She is an avid birdwatcher, loves salsa music and salsa dancing as well as playing pickleball with her son.
Please join us in welcoming Jenny Desmond to SVP Boulder County!