Wednesday, April 5th, 2023
It’s our sincere pleasure to introduce our community to Liz McGuffee, a new SVP Partner who joined SVP Boulder County in Fall 2022.
Recently relocating back to the United States after living abroad in Singapore for many years, new SVP Partners, Liz and Cris McGuffee joined SVP Boulder County because of an interest in SVP’s unique collective philanthropy and skills-based volunteering model. “This is a model I have worked with in a number of arenas, from local action in Jakarta among parents, and working with the Asian Gender Network in Singapore. As we settle back into the US, I am glad to find a “home” to do this work with amazing people,” said Liz.
With an extensive background in nonprofit work and a dedication to food security and social justice issues, Liz has joined SVP’s newly formed Impact Cohort to evaluate how SVP can make a larger strategic impact in the Boulder County community. Liz shares, “I am very excited about the work of the Impact Cohort, as we are putting a lot of energy into upstream, systemic changes. In particular, I believe the work around hunger and housing is crucial, and requires some innovative approaches.”
While not currently a full-time resident of Boulder County, Liz has spent her summers at her family home in Eldora since she was a child. “I am a 3rd generation ‘summer family’ in Eldora, Colorado. We were lucky that my grandmother fell in love with these mountains long ago! So, my favorite thing is a hike into Indian Peaks Wilderness. Our hope is to be totally and permanently in Boulder County in the next few years,” said Liz. Additionally, Liz’s children grew up going to Wild Bear Nature Center each summer, and Liz remains connected to the Nederland community by serving on the board of the Nederland Farmers Market and sitting on the capital campaign committee for Wild Bear.
As far as SVP’s potential for collective impact, Liz states, “I am looking forward to the programs that bring us together as a whole group to tackle something big. Collectively, I think we learned a lot during the pandemic. It feels possible to leverage that within a group like SVP, all pulling in the same directions.”
Professionally, Liz McGuffee is a seasoned non-profit leader with over 30 years of experience in strategic planning, fundraising, communications, and project management for a range of organizations both domestic and international. In 2022, Liz completed her masters in nonprofit leadership from the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to serving as an SVP Partner, she is also sharing her time through several volunteer and advocacy engagements including Wild Bear Nature Center, Eldora Civic Association, the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania, Houston Food Bank, Nederland Farmers Market, and the Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger. In her free time, Liz enjoys hiking, cooking, and gardening.
Please join us in welcoming Liz and Cris McGuffee to SVP Boulder County!