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Monday, August 19th, 2019

New Partner Spotlight: Ileana Street

For Ileana Street – a new Partner of SVP Boulder County – mission-driven marketing is more than a career, it’s a passion.

“It’s always been important to me that the work I do have purpose and make a positive impact on the world,” says the professional brand storyteller with more than 16 years’ experience as a marketing strategist. “I’m particularly drawn to mission-oriented organizations … so when I found out about SVP from another member, I knew I wanted to learn more.

“I’m especially inspired by the many ways SVP Partners can get involved – beyond just volunteering for a day, here and there. SVP Partners get to participate in making a real difference for local nonprofits by contributing our collective business knowledge and experience, hands-on and over time.

“Pretty quickly, I realized if I want to commit my time to social causes that I care about, SVP Boulder County is going to be an excellent fit.”

Ileana’s background includes both high-level strategy development and tactical execution of lead generation campaigns, email marketing, content marketing, digital advertising, SEO, social media marketing and grassroots marketing. Most recently, she managed the marketing and customer experience of two companies recognized by Forbes as outstanding small businesses – Galileo Learning and Avid4 Adventure.

“In speaking with Shannon Sackmann [Chief Relationship Officer, SVP Boulder County] and attending a few SVP events, it became really noticeable how authentically SVP staff and Partner members care about giving back … and how serious and specific they are about getting involved and being useful in making our shared community a better place,” adds Ileana, also noting how impressed she is by the values and organizational structure of SVP Boulder County that bring together nonprofits and philanthropic changemakers to accelerate community impact.

Related, Ileana considers it “a real bonus” that SVP trains its Partners to deliver better value to nonprofits. “I’m really looking forward to the trainings [for Partners],” she says. “I’d like to participate in coaching training and how to be a more effective board member.

“Already, I’ve gained so much from peer mentoring for new members, and from helping to interview and select new Adjunct Partners.”

Ileana concludes, “I’m excited to help nonprofit organizations come up with their brand stories, and figure out what types of messages and informational pieces they should be sharing with their audiences to share and grow their community relationships.

“I’ve started a business myself, so I know what it’s like to work with limited resources and a small team. I think I bring a realistic lens to the work of SVP Boulder County and its nonprofit participants.”

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