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Monday, December 23rd, 2019

New Partner Spotlight: Sarah Rimmel

Sarah Rimmel is all about building a more socially just world through integrative coaching focused on diversity, equity, and what she calls heart-centered culture.

“I learned about SVP Boulder County a couple years ago from a friend,” says Rimmel, a self-described people connector who brings her leadership development experience to bear supporting leaders, consultants, and mental health and wellness professionals who are self-employed or work within start-ups, small- to mid-sized companies, and nonprofits.

“I’ve always been interested in the intersection of different fields, as well as diversity and equity in the workplace,” continues Rimmel, who moved to Colorado from Florida more than a decade ago. “What intrigues and interests me most about the work of SVP Partners isn’t just that members of our business community have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience with nonprofits … but also the opportunity to listen, learn, and benefit from what nonprofits have to teach us.

“How we can all continue our own learning and growing is something I’m really committed to.”

With her knack for connecting the dots, facilitating conversations, problem solving, and coaching, we’re thrilled to involve Rimmel with local nonprofits seeking to create more inclusive and equitable environments that lead to improved organizational culture.

Adds Rimmel, “Besides working closely with nonprofits to strengthen this crucial sector in our community, SVP also offers many opportunities for Partners themselves to grow and learn about how to achieve greater community impact, in part by better understanding power and privilege.

“I’m excited to support SVP in enhancing their commitment to build communities that demonstrate connection, belonging, and intercultural competence through strategies that really work.”

SVP Partner Profile: Scott Teigen

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Nonprofit Spotlight: The Arts Hub

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