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Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

Partner Profile: Ed Victor

In his twenties, Ed began serving on various boards in the Jewish community.  He continued this work over the next two decades, but a few years ago decided to take a class on social change.  The experience “opened my eyes to giving in a more strategic way,” reflects Ed. With a new lens on giving, Ed began looking for additional ways to engage in the nonprofit community.  He attended an SVP Partner meeting in November 2014 and joined the Partnership the next month. 2015Sept - 15th Anniversary 43

Within a month of becoming a Partner Ed joined the Investment Committee and helped select the 2015 Investees.  He enjoyed serving on the Investment Committee as it allowed him to learn about so many different nonprofits in the Boulder community.  During that process he was deeply impacted by the work of applicant Attention Homes. “I knew even if they were not selected for investment, I would give to them,” says Ed. When Attention Homes was selected as one of the Investees, Ed immediately volunteered to be a Co-Lead partner for the organization.

Ed says he has worked with great people at many nonprofits, but the “caliber of people working with SVP is unique.”  Ed believes in the mission of SVP and feels like his work with Attention Homes allows him to grow as a person.  “I get to use my work skills to help the nonprofit sector and my work with nonprofits gives me skills that I can bring back to work,” reflects Ed.  2015May - Spring Partner Meeting, p2

SVP Partner Profile: Scott Teigen

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SVP Partner Profile: Saskia Westhof

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