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Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

Partner Profile: Roland Evans

Meet new SVP Partner, Roland Evans. Roland was born in Ireland and attended the Universities of Edinburgh and Pennsylvania before training as a clinical psychologist in London, UK.  He taught many different courses at Naropa University in Boulder over a period of 16 years.  Roland has a private practice as a psychotherapist and is also an avid gardener, writer and wood turner.  He is author of Seeking Wholeness and is working on a new book, A Course in Marriage: Steps to Transform your Intimate Relationship. Below, he answers six questions for SVP:

What led you to SVP?
I sat beside Deborah Malden on a flight to Florida and we started talking. Her mention of SVP sparked my interest as I was looking for a way to use my skills in a nonprofit setting. I was hesitant at first as I am careful what I get involved in. The quality of the SVP vision, the membership, and the organization won me over.

What do you most look forward to/hope to accomplish as a Partner?
I hope to be of service; service is its own reward. As we get older, it is essential to give back.

What do you want other Partners to know about you?
I love my life: it is rich, fulfilling, and exciting. My passions include spiritual practice, writing, gardening, wood turning, and unexpected conversations.

What is your motto?
Happiness is the fruit of a rich inner life.

What is your most marked characteristic?

When and where were you happiest?

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