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Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

COVID Response Task Force demonstrates results

Over the past five months, SVP Boulder County Partners, board, and staff came together to provide support to local nonprofits for pandemic-related issues.

Partners lent both their time and expertise to help nonprofit leaders navigate a range of concerns and uncertainties due to COVID-19, supporting them in making difficult decisions about their organizations and staffs. Specifically, our experienced, committed Partners provided insights into strategy and government funding, fundraising and development, personal and organizational well-being, board performance, leadership, and more.

These last few months once again underscored the essential, valuable role of SVP in strengthening community-focused nonprofits. Feedback we’ve received says that some organizations may not have survived the business interruptions caused by the pandemic, if not for SVP. Our Partners took action quickly, when it was needed, and provided a lifeline to many area nonprofits. By analyzing what could be improved and taking action based on the results, SVP will be even better prepared for the next crisis.

Be sure to check out this report, which details and analyzes the results of our COVID response efforts. This commitment of the Partners, board, and staff is a great example of the impact we can have as an organization to help strengthen our community.

SVP’s COVID Response Task Force has greatly expanded both Partner engagement and the number of nonprofits we serve, beyond our longer-term Catapult investments and Invested Leaders program. Along the way, we’ve gained an awareness of how we can continue to increase Partner engagement across more Boulder County nonprofits. Stay tuned for more.

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