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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Field Notes: Alumni Partner Finds his Passion

As one of SVP’s founding Partners, Andrew Currie went through a quick immersion in the nonprofit world. During his time with SVP, Andrew learned about the realities for and challenges of the nonprofit sector. Using those lessons learned, Andrew fine-tuned his personal areas of focus and philanthropic engagement. In a very direct way, Andrew’s involvement in and lessons learned through SVP guided his personal philanthropic evolution, and helped to shepherded him towards his next chapter.

Andrew Currie “I apply what I’ve learned at SVP to my giving and creating my own projects for The Good,” says Andrew, continuing, “As an example I gathered together a small group of people passionate about helping endangered wildlife to create a conservation buyers group LLC. I named it ACME Grasslands in honor of a road runner we saw during a ranch visit and because as a kid I loved the Road Runner / Wile E. Coyote cartoons with all those boxes arriving from ACME!”

He continues, “We searched for a couple years then found and purchased a beautiful 2,500 acre prairie ranch in southeast Colorado full of native wildlife including prairie dogs, pronghorn, etc. We explored different ways to get some or all of our investment back. We were lucky because Southern Plains Land Trust was able to raise funds from a foundation to purchase our ranch to combine with theirs next door creating a 5,000 acre prairie wildlife reserve. They have an educational outreach program so school kids from nearby cities and towns visit the prairie ranch to learn about native wildlife and plants. Feels great to declare victory protecting endangered wildlife and prairie and offering something valuable and fun to kids all at the same time!”

Andrew now serves as an adviser to the Impact Finance Center, leading their Colorado Impact Day Environment and Water track. In this role, Andrew helps people and foundations do impact investing deals, finding matches with Colorado nonprofits and companies who have products or services that help in these areas.

Acme Beaver Dam Curious Partners and others wanting to learn more about this sort of impact investment work are invited to join Andrew in a kick-off gathering on Tuesday Nov 10th at Impact HUB Boulder. Themes included in the discussion will be land conservation, water, animal and wildlife protection, transportation, recycling, etc. Space is limited so be sure to RSVP! Get additional information at these links below:

RSVP  for Boulder session
Tuesday November 10 @ 6-8pm
Impact HUB Boulder / Beverages provided

– OR –

RSVP for Denver session
Wednesday November 11 @ 11:30-1pm
The Denver Foundation / Light lunch & beverages provided

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