Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
This is the season of giving and Boulder County nonprofits need the support of our community to help make the holidays memorable for the clients, families, and youth they serve. If you are looking for ways to give back this holiday season, Social Venture Partners Boulder County has collected a list of local giving opportunities ranging from donation drives, giving trees, holiday fundraisers, and holiday volunteer opportunities. We hope that our Boulder County community will come together and support every one of these amazing organizations.
In need of volunteers and in-kind donations to help recently housed individuals and families
Date: November 1 to December 15
Harvest of Hope Pantry
Donate frozen turkeys, chickens or meatless options to help provide a traditional Thanksgiving meal to those in need
Date: November 10 to November 17
YWCA Boulder County
Collecting gift cards, new winter gear, toys, books and games for children ages newborn to 12 years old
Date: November 13 to December 8
Rise Against Suicide
Give the gift of mental health to youth by sponsoring a therapy session
Date: November 15 to End of December
Community Food Share
Charitable Thanksgiving fun run benefiting Community Food Share
Date: Thursday, November 23
Longmont Rotary Club
Annual coat drive benefiting the OUR Center
Date: Drop off donations by November 25
OUR Center
Community Market Holiday Wish List
Donate food and supplies to stock up OUR Center’s Community Market
Date: November and December
Sister Carmen Community Center
Holiday Food Donation Wish List
Donate food or host a holiday food drive to support families in East Boulder County
Date: November and December
Holiday Gifts, Holiday Cards and Holiday Meal Donations
Provide gifts, meals, and winter essentials for TGHTR youth program participants
Date: November and December
Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA)
Holiday Food Drive, Holiday Gift Room and Holiday Volunteer Needs
Support local families struggling to make ends meet
Date: Drop off Holiday Gift Room donations between November 27 and December 11
Donate toys, books, and bikes for BVSD families in need
Date: Donation drop off on December 2
A Precious Child
2023 Annual Toy and Gift Drive
Providing gifts to over 10,000 children. Donate gifts or host a toy drive.
Date: Donate by December 8
Community Cycles
Donate or join a volunteer team to help gift bikes to kids
Date: December 9 and December 16
Coal Creek Meals on Wheels
Holiday Gifts for Meals on Wheels Clients
Providing holiday gifts to all clients. Highest needed items are socks and blankets.
Date: Purchase items from Amazon Wishlist by December 15
Out Boulder County
2023 Youth Giving Tree Sign Up
2023 Youth Giving Tree Wish List
Support LGBTQ+ youth this holiday season by purchasing a gift or making a cash donation
Date: Donations needed by December 21
Recovery Café Longmont
Collecting donations of grocery store gift cards and RTD regional bus passes for Café members
Date: Drop off donations by December 22
Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence (SPAN)
Donate items from the wish list
Date: Ongoing donation need
Safe Shelter of St. Vrain
Donate items from the wish list
Date: Ongoing donation need
Boulder Shelter for the Homeless
Opening of the Bluebbird Housing Complex
Donate household items to the new 40-unit housing project
Date: Donate by January 1, 2024