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Thursday, June 25th, 2020

New Partner Spotlight: Jennifer Kronenberg

For Jennifer Kronenberg, getting involved with SVP Boulder County aligns with her desire to make a difference in our community by applying her 20 years’ experience in entrepreneurship, consulting, and coaching to the local nonprofit sector.

“I heard about SVP through my dear friend, Claire Clurman [Chair of the SVP Boulder County board, and former Executive Director of Attention Homes],” says Jennifer. “Her leadership of Attention Homes, and how she helped so many young people in need of a second chance, was really inspiring to watch.

“And then I saw her spread the net even further by getting involved with SVP, touching so many more nonprofits throughout Boulder County. I loved hearing her talk about the focus of SVP, bringing together Partners who share a sensitivity to the nonprofit sector, and who want to deepen their philanthropic work and impact with their skills, experience, and time – beyond making donations.

“Like my husband says, it’s the difference between giving a fish to somebody, and teaching them to fish. The SVP model does both.”

That said, Jennifer’s first career – in her teens and 20s – was that of a classical dancer. “It was my passion, what I wanted to share with the world…and I was willing to do it for nothing. I saw first-hand how the arts and culture can bring beauty and depth and shared understanding to our world.”

Indeed, as a ballerina with the Zurich Ballet in Geneva, Jennifer had the privilege of working with George Balanchine and Rudolf Nureyev. After six years, she and her husband moved back to the United States where she earned a bachelor’s degree in political science at Smith College (cum laude), and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Jennifer’s wide-ranging professional experience includes stints as founder of a software company; president of SendPhotos, recipient of PC Magazine “Best of the Year” award in 2004; president of Kronenberg VP Holdings LLC, investing in and managing real estate; president and founder of Apex International, investing in private equity ventures; and serving on the board of Novatix Corporation. Along the way, she acquired no less than four coaching licenses and certifications.

“It’s been exciting for my husband and me to grow businesses, while also growing our family,” she adds. While her husband continues to work in the high tech space, Jennifer’s priority now is working with small companies and nonprofits – and their executives – “to help them deal with challenges, build their businesses, and deepen their impact. Nonprofit leaders, in particular, sometimes lack the business skills to match their dedication. To thrive, you need both.”

Currently, her pro bono work emphasizes the arts. And most recently, she’s spent more time working with teams to help them more efficiently achieve their missions.

“I’m really looking forward to learning more about that, and to expanding my understanding of philanthropy – especially around the arts and the sustainability of our planet. I’m feeling more and more of a calling to understand what’s going on with our planet, how we can live more sustainable lives, and how we can keeping adding beauty to the world – whether through the arts, through education, or through confidence- and competence building.

“I’m so excited to learn from the other Partners, too. So many of them whom I’ve already met are just incredible, inspired, dedicated, and courageous people.”

She concludes, “It’s all about helping local leaders get better results, and realize success and transformation.”

Welcome, Jennifer!

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