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Friday, September 20th, 2013

Partners Needed for Focus Area Research Team

There is a chasm between the challenges we face today as a community, and the scale at which we are currently engaging those challenges. There are no silver bullets. And throwing money at them isn’t going to make them go away. But what happens if every individual steps up to the plate and works together?  At SVP we’ve seen what happens, and the results are transformational. That’s why every other year our partnership researches, debates, and selects new focus areas.  And your voice is critical.

Our ad hoc Focus Area Team identifies those challenges we face as a community, and where SVP can be best be a David to that Goliath.  In October the team will review The Community Foundation’s new TRENDS Report, identify up to 15 potential focus areas, conduct research, and choose up to 10 focus areas to present to the partnership.  Team members are asked to attend two meetings, conduct individual research, and participate in presentations at the Fall Partner Meeting on November 12, 2013.

Partners, here’s your opportunity to participate in an important decision-making process for your SVP and to influence the partnership on a focus area you feel passionate about!  Contact Jennie Arbogash to learn more.

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