By Olga Heifets, SVP Communications Director
The governing Board of Social Venture Partners Boulder County has elected Executive Committee officers following November’s unanimous vote to add three new members to its ranks. SVP’s Board of Directors is the governing body, overseeing vision, mission, and internal operations of the organization and are responsible for making decisions, delegating work, and assuring decisions are carried out in the manner intended. Executive Committee members accept additional responsibilities beyond the Board’s overall fiscal and strategic oversight responsibilities.
Taking the reins from John McCorvie as Board Chair will be long-serving Board member and SVP Partner, Peter Spear. In this role, Peter will provide leadership and direction to the SVP Board with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns. Responsibilities include both strategic (overseeing SVP’s strategic plan implementation, working with Committee Chairs, etc.) and tactical (developing board agendas, ensuring communication among members, etc.).
Moving into the role of Vice Chair is long-serving Board member and SVP Partner Deborah Malden, who will perform the duties of the Board Chair in the case of his absence (or, will fill that position. should it become vacant). In addition to her service on behalf of SVP Boulder County, Deborah is an active voice representing Boulder’s arts community as the Boulder Chamber’s Arts Liaison & Advisor.
Continuing in their officer roles will be Randi Grassgreen and Erik Bernstein. Randi continues her role as Treasurer, while also serving as SVP’s Finance Committee chair. The organization’s Treasurer is primarily responsible for overseeing SVP Boulder County’s finances. Erik will continue as Secretary. The Secretary is primarily responsible for coordinating the recording of board meeting minutes and maintaining organizational documents and records.
Filling out the ranks are SVP Boulder County’s At-Large Board Members Jeanette Marquess, Amy Maranowicz, Dennis Berry, John McCorvie, Ruth Henderson, Dan Catlin and Executive Director Ex Officio, Jennie Arbogash. Current SVP Boulder County Partners who’d like to learn more can find complete Board of Directors job descriptions on this page of SVP Connect.