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Thursday, November 10th, 2016

We’ve Got Work to Do

By Jennie Arbogash, SVP Executive Director

One of SVP’s greatest assets is we’re a team of givers, volunteers, providers, and leaders with a diversity of experiences and perspectives, each bringing our own strengths, each contributing a unique voice. At the same time, we share core values about learning and engaging in building a robust, caring community. Each of us believes in hope, possibility, and a just society. Each of us wants all our citizens to do well. Each of us feels it’s our responsibility to participate in addressing the common good.

This week we’ve experienced a historic election. Some of us are stunned by the results, and others are celebrating. This may well have been the outcome no matter who was elected president. This election has demonstrated the division and polarization our country is experiencing. We have so many in our country, and our county, who feel marginalized and forgotten. Who are not experiencing a good quality of life. Who want health and well-being for themselves and their loved ones.

The work we do together through SVP matters, now more than ever. SVP brings people together. SVP builds deep, trusting relationships. SVP strengthens the people and organizations doing boots-on-the-ground service. SVP advocates for nonprofits and shines a light on local need. SVP is a magnet for leaders committed to bringing our community together to do good work. We are a beacon for hope and change.

We can, and will, do more. As our brilliant friends at Front Range Source said, “But in order to serve as this bridge between people, we must be intentional. We must recruit people…with all kinds of backgrounds and experiences…. We can’t just hire staff who feel familiar and comfortable. We must cast a wider net and bring in people that have connections to communities that we haven’t been able to reach before…. We can never be complacent with what is working now. We need to constantly be reaching out to get different perspectives, whether we agree with those views or not.”

We will work tirelessly to fight for our vision of a community where everyone feels safe and included. Where nonprofits have the resources and skills needed to address our biggest challenges. Where people have the opportunity to achieve the human longing to contribute, to matter.

Please join us in owning our collective responsibility to do good. Together we can stand up and create change for our country, starting right here in Boulder County.

Give Where You Live on Colorado Gives Day

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